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Industrial and agricultural water pollution caused by pipe crusher type classification and preventio
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-6 16:41:01
Water pollution is a major global concern global water policy at all levels to maintain records. It has been suggested that it is the world's leading death and cause of the disease, which accounts for the daily more than 14,000 people were killed. Most countries, such as India, China and the lack of safe drinking water, adequate access. It is estimated that not only developing countries or less developed countries are suffering from inefficient water resources, but the United States and other developed countries are suffering from improper water quality.
Usually refers to the water when it is as a pollutant by the impact of man-made pollutants, basic common sense do not support the use of human desire, such as drinking water. Volcanoes, algae blooms, storms and earthquakes and other natural disasters can also lead to major changes in water quality and ecological conditions.
A variety of ways to control water pollution. This is the best control, diluted with water. Pollutants must be in chemical processing, and must be converted into non-toxic substances. Low-level radioactive waste in water to remove the oxide pond. Have a certain role in organic pesticides, chemicals used in pesticides. The type of technology is very helpful thermal pollution process involving cooling, evaporation, cooling water, cooling may be wet or dry. Their main purpose is to keep the cold water of rivers and streams. Shallow ponds must be used to store household and industrial waste. We must avoid the big pond. Waste with sunlight and organic nutrients, which may result in larger waste substances acting on the presence of bacterial growth. Fertilizers can be used, because it is the regeneration of contaminated water containing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. It can also be used for the purpose of irrigation and factories. Appropriate sewage treatment plan to play a vital role in the reclamation of contaminated water. There must be laws to ensure that the industry must deal with the waste water before discharge into rivers and oceans. Contaminated water by use of the plant is referred to as the water hyacinth is also known as a treatment. It involves biological and chemical waste. Heavy metals, it will also be deleted.
Water pollution can be defined in many ways. Typically, it refers to one or more substances in the water have been established such an extent that they cause the animal or human. Oceans, lakes, rivers and other inland waters can naturally clean up the pollution, sound dispersion. If you pour a cup into a river of black ink, the ink will soon disappear into a river much larger volume of clean water. The ink is still there in the river, but in such a low concentration, you will not be able to see it. At such a low level, the chemicals in the ink may not exist any real problems. However, if you poured gallons of ink through a pipe into a river, every few seconds, the water will soon become black. The chemicals in the ink, can be very rapid effect on water quality. This, in turn, may affect the health of all the plants, animals and human life rely on rivers.
Therefore, water contamination is all about the number of polluting substances to be released, there is much amount of water, it is released to. A small amount of a toxic chemical, may have little effect, spilled into the ocean of the ship. However, the same amount can have the same chemical pumped into the lake or river, where unclean water dispersion greater impact.
Agricultural nonpoint source pollution, the most important reason is the continuous use of pesticides and fertilizers, can also lead to water pollution. For some other reason is mud and manure, sheep dip disposal of uncontrolled spread of no-tillage and plowing land.
Most sewage containing 99.9% pure water, while the other half of the 0.1% is considered to be contaminants. Even if they are small concentrations, but may cause large-scale risk. Mainly in urban areas, sewage treatment plant for domestic wastewater treatment. Well-designed power supply system, these pollutants can remove 90% or more. But there are also some municipal plants are not designed to toxic industrial wastewater pollutants. Therefore, there are ways to properly handle domestic sewage may include - approached the green infrastructure, improve stormwater management system to reduce sewage treatment plant hydraulic overload.
Try leakage or any faulty equipment repair or replacement.
Try to enhance the overall hydraulic capacity of the sewage treatment system, at any cost. As we all know, most of the industry to produce high concentrations of conventional pollutants (such as oil), toxic pollutants (metal organic compounds) or other non-traditional pollutants such as ammonia wastewater. It may be necessary to remove toxic pollutants facilities should be installed with a pre-treatment system.
Some industries have been re-designed their manufacturing process, in order to reduce or eliminate pollutants through a process called pollution prevention.
Farmers can use to reduce runoff flows and retain soil erosion control in their respective areas. Common methods include contour tillage, cover crops, crop rotation, planting perennial crops and installing riparian buffers. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) is the use of commercial fertilizers, animal manure or spraying of municipal or industrial wastewater or sludge by farmers. Farmers can develop and implement nutrient management plans to reduce the abuse of chemical fertilizers. Another way to minimize excess pesticides, farmers can use the integrated pest management (IPM) technology, pest control to maintain the right to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and water quality protection best.
In order to prevent the control of urban runoff involves reducing the speed and flow of rainwater?? Reduce pollutants. The local government is using a variety of stormwater management techniques to reduce the impact of urban runoff. These techniques can be used for centralized control of water, and other facilities are mainly concentrated in improving the quality of water resources. Some other techniques can be used, including low-impact development techniques, installation of green roofs and improved chemical treatment (such as automotive fuel and oil, fertilizer and pesticide management). Infiltration basins, bioretention systems, constructed wetlands, reservoirs participate in the runoff mitigation systems.
The hot runoff pollution, can only from a process control (ie, stormwater management facilities, because it helps to absorb runoff or directly into the groundwater). Retention basins, such as lowering the temperature may be less effective because it can help the water is discharged to the vicinity of the steam prior to warming by the sun.
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