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Clean up the importance of underwater pipeline facilities and equipment sewage treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-2-27 8:48:05

Clean up the importance of underwater pipeline facilities and equipment sewage treatment

PH neutral lime, limestone, dolomite stone and acidic waste water, such as CO 2 and sulfuric acid in waste water with lime and alkaline wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater, such as REDOX, adding the oxidation or reduction agent will material in wastewater oxidation (or original) also there is an air (O 2) harmless substance oxidant, bleach, chlorine, ozone, phenol, cyanide, sulfur, chromium, mercury wastewater, printing and dyeing, hospital wastewater, such as electrolytic insert plates in the waste water, general electric, charged ions in waste water for neutral atoms power, electric plate, such as containing chromium containing cyanide electroplating waste water,
Sewage treatment; Urban drainage Chinese library classification number: 1010005-02 process debugging is an important work before the sewage plant, its importance in the following aspects: one is to find and solve equipment, facilities, control the problem, art, etc, and make the sewage plant put into normal operation; Second, realize the goal of process design, namely the water indicators meet the design requirements; Three is to determine the actual water quantity and water quality of various control parameters, on the premise of effluent water quality to meet the design requirements, reduce running cost as much as possible. 1. The content and purpose of debugging debugging main content includes: first, the loading test, solve various problems affecting the operation of continuous, provided a basis for the next step of work; Second, activated sludge cultivation, the main product is tired processing required for the amount of microbes; Third, activated sludge domesticated, its purpose is to choose to adapt to the actual water quality situation of microbes, eliminate useless microbes; Blood lead happened frequently
Environmental protection law stipulated in article 24: units that produce environmental pollution and other public hazards must put environmental protection into the plans, establish environmental protection responsibility system and take effective measures to control in production or other activities in the waste gas, waste water, waste residue, dust and fetor, radioactive substances and noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation pollution to the environment and harm.
This year, the national more than blood lead incidents happened. This is a continuous extension of the "blood lead levels" event list of areas, from the world's largest lead battery manufacturers, down to around, including guangdong, batteries, small and medium enterprises are involved. Last year, this is the number of blood lead after the accident, to attract the public's attention and concern again.
The world pay more and more attention to environmental protection, shenzhen this year is the first government documents about environmental protection files, but some companies and government guidance, people's expectations. Shenzhen X river environmental protection co., LTD., is a typical in shajing environmental protection industrial town, republican industrial zone built two hazardous waste processing base, take most of the hazardous waste are concentrated in shenzhen and the pearl river delta in shajing, it discharges waste water, buried theft, stealing sell HeiXinQian sludge can earn billions of dollars every year. Himself in X river environmental protection work in the company for many years, has a deep understanding.
2: sea level rise

Land ice melt lead to rising sea levels, if Greenland and west Antarctic land ice to melt, can lead to global sea-level rise a few meters, some scientists predict even may be dozens of meters. 1/10 and 1/10 of the world's population, the urban residents living in the coastal areas of not more than 10 meters above sea level. Sea level rise will cause great impact on them.
NASA's chief climate scientist James Hansen said, "if global temperatures continue to rise 2 to 3 degrees Celsius, probably we will see the earth into another planet. We don't know, 3 million years ago, during the middle pliocene have occurred this warming, 25 meters above sea level than it is today."
Lead battery industry regulation also become the primary task of environmental action in China this year, the national lead battery enterprises of the February 1930 home, more than eighty percent has been discontinued.
Comments: blood lead event affects the heart, to the whole of the lead-acid battery industry development of trapped exposed, more exposed part of the lead-acid battery enterprise social responsibility construction of missing. So extensive growth industry, should be how to development and regulation?
Before 3. Some problems that should be paid attention to 3.1. Through the inspection on all facilities, equipment, pipeline and water, clean up all the stuff, so as to avoid blockage and water pipes, after equipment maintenance equipment under water affect the commissioning smoothly. Water after considerable for underwater facilities maintenance difficulties, mainly because the maintenance of the pool must be empty, while thousands of cubic tank volume small, big, tens of thousands of cubic, emptying a time-consuming work, especially after the activated sludge, where water is in itself a problem, put out pollution accident happens, on the other pool are often not fit again. Therefore, must be carefully check and clean up in front of the water. 3.2. To monitor water quality strictly, especially ph, exceeds requirements should take corresponding measures immediately, or you will make the bacteria culture progress.
3.1. Bacteria culture in the early, the aeration tank will appear a lot of white foam, two or three metres high, serious when stacking pollution aisle and field instruments and meters, this problem is the inevitable phenomenon of bacteria culture in the early, as long as the good control of dissolved oxygen and can solve the defoaming of appropriate measures. 3.4. Tap water amount and pressure size is often easy to ignore, in the process of debugging, laboratory and sludge dewatering of some of the instruments and equipment has strict requirements to the water quantity and water pressure, if can not meet the requirements, will not be able to use these instruments and equipment. Sewage plants generally away from the city, in a tap water pipe network peripheral, water pressure is usually small, therefore, a certain device shall be installed to improve the water pressure.
Process debugging 4. Advice is related to the sewage treatment plant can run normally and efficiency can give full play to the important work, it has a strong technical and high difficulty, need knowledge of sewage treatment and long-term operating experience of professional or professional organization to implement, therefore, suggest that relevant departments will process commissioning included in the project, and arrange enough money. 4. Color: fill with color and high load; Water with detergent or surfactant. Scum categories: 1. The black thin liquid surface scum: activated sludge oxygen 2. Black and accumulation of excessive liquid surface scum: serious lack of oxygen or anaerobic sludge. 3. The scum of the thin brown: normal without accumulation.

Tan and accumulation of excessive dross: sludge produced inside nitration; Serious filamentous fungi. Such a thought, suddenly feel there are too many things can be recorded, in life, there are too many things should not be forgotten! Life work of five or six years in shenzhen, how much suantiankula, ah, now the city more and more noise impetuous, more confirmed that a wise man said: nine times out of ten of life is bitter, you have a joy, how difficult. How to gain happiness, so not everyone should ponder the topic?
Each person's life, no matter how much going is a history. So, today start writing his own history!
Waste gas treatment and equipment production: feida environmental, dragon net environmental protection, kaidi electric power.
Water: first, raw water, entrepreneurial environment.
Water treatment engineering and agent: blue star cleaning.
Recycling: chardonnay environmental protection.
2, water, water sports are all over the past two years, in the creation of China's listed shares, raw water, entrepreneurial environment is also one of the important role. Three Angle of Beijing, Shanghai, tianjin, another is not listed on the shenzhen water in China, of course, also is the powerful role of water industry. Busy said rising prices twice this year, probably this is a public utility, the adjustment of the price involved in all aspects, the first in raw water in this month's bull market and lower, really let me heartache. But the famous investor George soros is very positive
Water utilities, such as whether or not we should wait more time, while looking at their performance in this bull market is very impatient, maybe big change in 2007.
Paul Newman, sludge denitrification: denitrification (nitrate in denitrifying bacteria DO less than 0.5 mg/L reduction of ammonia and nitrogen), produce gas. 3. Filamentous fungi expansion: activated sludge in the floccules with excessive tiny air bubbles, reduce the proportion of sludge. Indicators of performance: 1. Microscopy: active sludge zoogloea with tiny points of light. 2. Macroscopic observation: zoogloea with tiny air bubbles, bubbles thermal expansion in the sunlight.
Determination of SV: a bubble, and rising inflation. Countermeasures: 1. Denitrification problem: A. Increasing return sludge or mud in time, reduce sludge in sedimentation tank; B. Reduce the amount of air or time and nitrification; Or improve the content of dissolved oxygen water side. C. Reducing sedimentation tank into the water, in order to decrease into the mud. 2. Sludge decay problem: ensure low aeration equipment failure; Reduce sludge concentration; Avoid sludge impact load. 3. Filamentous bacteria problems:; D, filamentous bacteria

Comparing with normal filamentous fungi normal zoogloea for oxygen and the substrate concentration required more carbon source, for oxygen and phosphorus demands lower more oxygen. Appropriate phosphorus poison resistance ability weak nitrogen impact resistance can be normal nitrogen and phosphorus pH 4.5 6.5 6-8 temperature easy to grow high temperature 25 to 30 nutrients
CH the water content is too high, other nutritional deficiencies, need NP, not high demand for comprehensive classification judgment normal SV (10-30) SVI judgment (50-150) with mild inflation is not obvious, retrogradation of slightly, sludge volume increased 10%, to 250 brown color, flocculation extended 2-4 times, SV = 25-40 moderate inflation have obvious changes, colour and lustre, sedimentation performance, compression settling time to extend the 2 times
Paul Newman won an Oscar, 10 Oscar nominations. Paul Newman (Paul Newman) in addition to acting, more business, and will also be combined with their own ideas and business practices his vegetarian diet concept.
Invested by Paul Newman "Newman 's Own" food company, to make salad dressing, popular in the United States, he also set a principle for the company, is the company profit income, deduction of necessary expenses, all donated to charity.
The company since founded in 1982, as Paul Newman adhere to materials are natural food, do not add preservatives, so have a lot of love themself, product project more and more, 20 years accumulated donation of more than $two hundred million.
Lifestyle of the human is given priority to with fossil fuels for the climate, the environment and the impact of all the inhabitants of earth, a lot of studying relevant scientific evidence and logical analysis. In the second book on climate change in the published book "the Six Degrees of change: the Future of a Hotter Planet (Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet), before the world as a wake-up call, he spent several months more, Radcliffe Library Science at the university of Oxford (Radcliffe Science Library) through reading thousands of the peer assessment (peer - reviewed) of scientific literature.
With scientific research and advanced data obtained from computer simulations, and the earth prehistoric climate research found that, on the basis of systematic review of climate change, and describes the future of climate warming and the result. The book also examines the natural occurrence of severe climate change in the past, suggesting that global warming the terrible impact on all life on earth and the environment.
Since the turn of the winter and spring are impressive, although san-jiu season is still spring, migratory birds don't fly south, bears forget to hibernate, the highest temperature in Beijing once jumped to 16 degrees Celsius, Moscow's temperature was higher than normal to nearly 20 degrees Celsius
From early February 2, 2007 to the end of November 17, formed jointly by the United Nations environment programme (unep) and the world meteorological organization of the United Nations intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC), a complete released four assessment report about global warming. Previously, the IPCC has respectively in 1990, 1990 and three global climate assessment report published in 2001, but in 2007 the fourth report more grand and systems, including "natural science", "influence, adaptation and vulnerability" and "climate change mitigation" three points of the working group report and final comprehensive report. To a large number of facts, according to these reports, described a terrible in the future.
Number of metazoan dominant microscopy observation, sludge zoogloea bulky color depth. 3. F/M confirmed at a lower level for a long time, less than 0.05. Reason: 1. Mud is not timely, sludge age long. 2. The water in low load condition for a long time. 3. Excess aeration. 4. High sludge concentration control. Control methods: 1. To ensure that the sludge concentration in a certain range, determined by F/M, at the same time to ensure the uniformity of mud. 2. The uniformity of aeration and prevent aeration. By detecting the DO, control the water 2.5 mg/L. 3. To avoid low load operation; Control between F/M = 0.15 to 0.25. When necessary supplement and carbon source. Quality control: 1. F/M: control of 0.15 to 0.25. 2. DO: greater than 4 mg/L belong to aeration. 3. Sludge age: 7 to 10 days. F, sludge poisoning
Perennial herbs, plants pilose; Stolon long. 3 ternate. Compound leaves and leaf and other types of compound leaves, 3 ternate is a petiole out three lobule. The aggregate nearly globose or oblong

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