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The EU will energy-saving environmental protection industry into national strategic level
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-1 9:04:48
The European Union for their response to climate change "3 20%" (by 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 20%, in 1990 on the basis of energy efficiency should be increased by 20%, the proportion of renewable energy will be increased to 20%) commitments, the EU will energy-saving environmental protection industry into national strategic level to promote. Before 2013, the investment of 105000000000 euros, for energy-saving environmental protection projects and related employment project, to support the green industry of the European Union, to maintain its leading position in the world of green technology.

The proposed "building Britain's future strategy", published "the UK low carbon transition planning" national strategic plan, ensure that UK companies to maximize seize this opportunity for development of low carbon economy, ensure equitable distribution of economic resources and the interests of the economies in transition.

The developed countries are formulating incentive mechanism and the policy, guidance, and promote the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry. These mechanisms include the price signal oriented energy, resources, environmental products and services, the polluter pays responsibility extension mechanism, the establishment of energy resource consumption, pollutant discharge standard system and the three party monitoring mechanism, emission limits system and the emissions trading system, technology access permission mechanism, operation mechanism of energy saving and environmental protection services enterprise specialization.

The European Union through the development of emission reduction quota standard, encourage enterprises to increase the "green investment", using the standard to guide the market. The carbon dioxide gas produced by enterprises as long as more than the approved credits, they must enter the European and global carbon market to buy emission index. The British use price signal mechanism to promote enterprises to take the initiative to reduce energy consumption, the product of "carbon footprint" logo, energy consumption and emissions record and display unit of product, through the market to encourage consumers to purchase the production process energy consumption products. France early the franchise right out in the form of water facilities in operation, the independent operation of energy, environmental infrastructure to specialized companies, improve efficiency, reduce costs, ensure quality.

The French Veolia environment group with monopoly status and operations management, technology and experience in the domestic market, pay attention to high-tech research and development, strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises, to accelerate the expansion of international market, become international energy saving and environmental protection infrastructure ranks first in the number of enterprises.

At the same time, the international large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprises to accelerate energy-saving environmental protection equipment manufacturing and marketing transformation expansion. America Ge group to build the water treatment department from 2000, has carried out 5 times merger, become the world one of the major providers of industrial water treatment equipment. Germany Siemens relies on technical superiority, the contract energy management energy saving reconstruction on the global 6500 buildings, the contract amount of more than 1000000000 euros, reduce carbon dioxide emissions 2400000 tons.

The traditional energy resources enterprises accelerate the allocation of energy saving and environmental protection and new energy business combination. British Petroleum (BP) using natural gas, solar energy, wind energy and other low-carbon or carbon free energy technologies, improve energy efficiency, enhance industrial competitiveness.

Micro point

The White House announced from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, USGS and other federal agencies meteorological data will be placed in the open source Data.gov sites, American government hopes that this data open plan to attract more social institutions and research groups involved in climate research, thereby reducing the extreme weather events brought loss.

In some countries, people began to use the chip to build city landmarks and public facilities. San Francisco, Chicago government is the city into an open platform -- providing data and demand, solutions to the developers to design public service. Technology and new pattern, is giving people more "take leadership" rights.
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