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Environmental protection law for the first time in 25 years the big change
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-21 16:24:04
According to the voice of "news and newspapers China summary" report, "for the first time facing a major revision of environmental protection law" carry out 25 years to come, after the three review, today will be the fourth time submitted to the NPC Standing Committee, which is also known as the "environmental protection law" to modify the final sprint new legislation. According to sources, the draft will make provision for haze governance.

For the first time in 25 years to overhaul the implementation of environmental protection law, three years after the three review, two public comments, the parties dispute continued. Jun Ma public environmental information research center has always been concerned about environmental protection method to modify the demonstration work, do a good job in environmental protection, information disclosure is the prerequisite, the previous draft made this principle, four review is expected to further refinement.

Ma Jun: "the disclosure of environmental information and public participation, this is particularly highlighted the environmental right to know, right to participate, supervise, this and the previous laws or by environmental laws, are very prominent."

Ma Jun, the disclosure of environmental information for the prevention and control of environmental pollution plays an important role in the haze governance, for example, the strengthening of regional joint control has become a consensus, but the information block has become the regional water barriers, which requires the law further defined.

Ma Jun: "if the implementation of unified management, we must ensure that all relevant aspects of his information must be smooth, so I suggest you, all future environmental information more open, such as corporate pollution of wastewater, waste gas data, if can real timely to the public, so the treatment of this unity can realize."

Many experts interviewed said, based on the community for the air pollution especially haze control attention and has been getting higher and higher, four draft or will make a more specific provisions.
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